Saturday, September 27, 2008

Next up???

After the expo Jen wanted to EAT! Of course, and well deserved, right? So Sam (Latisha Wilder's husband), Brian and myself went to Bahama Breeze! It was so good and here you see Jen taking a Key Lime Shot! Oh YEA!
After this we layed by the New Orleans pool, sippin n drinks and enjoying! Now we are off to a steakhouse.

Jen has to make a showing at the VIP party and pictures for the show! After that who knows...but I will update tomorrow morning! :)


Mans said...

Great Job Jen,
You are an amazing woman and a huge inspiration. Twice now that is awesome.Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy!!!!!
Mandy M
(Aussie Phat Camper)

ZuZiBuZ (Susanne) said...

Congratulation!!! :)

Jen said...

Congratulations Jen!

I can't wait to meet you and your team at Toronto Phat Camp!!!!