Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Ok everyone, it is 845pm here in Vegas! Jen went to her athlete's meeting while Brian, Sam (Latisha Wilder's husband) and I went to eat. That is also where Sam and I learned how to play SLOTS! LOL!
Jen met us downstairs wanting to play as well, but no BIG DOLLA's came of it. Jen drove us down the strip one time, and wow the lights!
It has been a long day....27 hours to be exact! We are back at the room and the CHAMP is feeling "confident but at the moment tired". So we are headed for bed about to watch a movie.
We'll be up and at it in the morning. I will surely give you the morning update on Jen and her status! She got a full day of interviews, meetings and appearances tomorrow, so check in regularly! Good Night!
Lishia Dean

1 comment:

M*J*C said...

Hey Jen!!! Can't wait to see you, you are looking FABULOUS (as always)!! LOVE YA!