Happy Holidays everyone!
Check out our December specials below! Take advantage of the opportunity to save $$ while the specials are available! You can treat yourself to a special holiday present or purchase a gift certificate for a friend, relative or sweetheart. It’s also a great time to check out our newest product, Solution 5. Solution 5 is a meal replacement that is launching this week and it’s YUMMY! It’s a must try that will be a must have!
DVDs Series 1 and 2 are great stocking stuffers for loved ones. Each series is available for only $74.99.
POSING DVD Are you getting ready to hit the stage in 2010? If so, you need this Posing DVD to help you perfect your stage presence. The Posing DVD is available for $14.99!
GET PHAT ONLINE Are you a stay at home mom, business woman, or an 8-5:00 woman trying to stay in shape? Well, right now you’ll get the best deal -- the deal of all deals. With the Get Phat Online program you receive the attention you deserve as you work with a team of trainers who interact directly with you to create customized weekly plans. During this special offer, you’ll receive 16 weeks for only $1,200.00. This averages to $75 a week and includes workouts, cardio, and nutrition plans -- all customized for you. This is a super deal! Visit us on the web and read client testimonials at
http://www.getphatonline.com/ or contact Lishia Dean at
PHAT GIRLZ Are you considering competing again or for the first time in the New Year? Join our Phat Girlz program and let our IFBB Fitness and Figure professionals get you in shape and ready for the stage. Work with Jen, Latisha, Heidi and the team to get into the best shape of your life! Get 16 weeks for the price of 12! Check out the Phat Girlz program and testimonials at
http://www.getphatonline.com/ or contact Lishia Dean at
TRAIN WITH JUST JEN If you are a woman looking for lots of TLC then hire JUST JEN for your one-on-one customized training. For pricing contact Lishia Dean at
GET PHAT WITH JEN The new Phat Camp schedule is out! You can train with Jen and her TEAM at a location near you or pick a Phat Camp destination far from home! Check out
http://www.getphatwithjen.com/ and sign up for Phat Camp today. If you register or pay a balance in December you’ll receive a $50 gift certificate via mail for camp store! Email Heather Bear for more any additional questions
bearclaw@seidata.com PHITNESS RETREATS WITH JEN If you’re looking for more of a one-on-one training experience with Jen Hendershott, you’ll want to check out the Phitness Retreat. Sign up for a Phitness Retreat where you’ll work with Jen in her home town in North Carolina. For a list of dates visit
http://www.getphatwithjen.com/! If you register or pay a balance in December you’ll receive a $50 gift certificate via mail for camp store. Email Heather Bear for more any additional questions
bearclaw@seidata.com .
SOLUTION 5 Scivation Solution 5 is the final evolution of the Meal Replacement (MRP). Solution 5 is a delicious, rich, amazingly tasty meal replacement that combines the perfect ratio of protein, essential fatty acids and fiber. It’s ideal for carb-controlled diets. Solution 5 is one of the only meal replacements that provides multiple anti-oxidant servings of fruits and vegetables. Scivation has taken the guesswork out of eating. What's the best part? Solution 5 provides all of this and tastes incredible without the use of corn syrup solids, added sugars, fructose or maltodextrin. Solution 5 has everything that you need and nothing that you don't need to be on your way to the body of your dreams.
http://www.jennyh.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=478$29.99EstraCort and TrimfatSave $10 when you purchase EstraCort and Trimfat. Take advantage of this great monthly special from PGN. Includes 1 bottle of PGN EstraCort and 1 bottle of PGN TrimFat for only $64.98! A $10 Savings!
http://www.jennyh.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=85&products_id=453GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR ANY OR ALL SERVICES If you want the perfect stocking stuffer you can buy a Gift certificate for a friend, family member or sweetheart. You can purchase any amount for any service or product. Email Heather Bear at
bearclaw@seidata.com or Lishia Dean at